Inhouse Talks - The Adstock Science Club

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Past talks at The Adstock Science Club
Year 2010

9th Nov
Michael Heason
Ex army
The Rifle
The history and workings of the modern day automatic rifle including that of the infamous AK47

Year 2011

11th JanTony BatesTASCJet EnginesHistory and workings of the jet engine.
8th Feb
Alex Moss &
Joe Braithwaite
Students at The Royal Latin School
How the sun, moon and planets were formed.
26th AprSteve CumbachTASCFuel CellsAn introduction to the Hydrogen Fuel Cell
17th May
Steve Cumbach
Gravity explained
Why apples fall, Sir Issac Newton's Laws of Gravity, why satellites stay in orbit & the difference between mass and weight.
14th JunMarius StuartTASCThe Origin of Man part IFrom the Big Bang to the first vertebrate Fish
19th JulMarius StuartTASCInside a PCTaking a look at what goes to make up a personal computer.
11th OctTony BatesTASCThe Origin of Man part IIFrom the first fish to the advent of Man.
29th NovDr Suzie SheehyScience and Technology Facilities CouncilAccelerated DreamsParticle accelerators and some of their uses.

Year 2012

10th JanMark HempsellReaction Engines Ltd.Space Shuttle RIPSkype talk & discussion about Skylon & SABRE engine.
17th AprDr Harin SellahewaBuckingham UniversityBiometrics: from Hollywood to your palmThe science and technology behind biometrics
21st JunTony Bates &
Marius Stuart
TASCRecent visitsHighlights of visit to RAL & Cheltenham Science Festival
10th JulParvarthy HarikumarPhD student at Buckingham UniversitySkin cancerIn particular Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH)
14th AugRon Dudley-SmithThe British Society of DowsersWater divining & dowsingTalk and dowsing demonstration, great fun.
11th SepDr Ellie DommettThe Open UniversityBrain Science in the Real WorldHow neuroscience is impacting on different stages of our lives.
16th OctPaul RadcliffeU3A History of PhilosophyThe beginnings of philosophy and some of the main ideas.
13th NovDr Mark NightingaleThe Culham Centre for Fusion EnergyWhy Fusion?An introduction into fusion concepts and other related areas including JET.

Year 2013

14th MarJohn FoggittTASCThe Ubiquitous ChipClick here for notes
Click here for PP slides
18th AprMike Glazer, Emeritus Professor of PhysicsOxford UniversityCrystal WorldIntroduction to the science of crystallography and x-ray defraction
9th MayDr Harin SellahewaBuckingham UniversityUsing digital images to identify Smartphone models.Click here for write up
13th JunDr John BondLeicester UniversityFingerprints ForeverClick here for PP slides
15th AugMarius StuartTASCData Security"If you've done nothing wrong..."
Can you trust Contactless cards?
Click here for PP show download
10th OctMarius StuartTASCLife on MarsClick here for talk notes
14th NovJohn FoggittTASCThe Golden RatioClick here for PP show download

Year 2014

13th FebDemetri PetrouTASCJupiterClick here for PP show download
20th MarMark BeachTASCComputer GamesClick here for talk notes
8th MayMarius Stuart
John Foggitt
TASCSound, the good the bad & the strange.
A Sound Idea
A couple of talks taking a close look at sound, how we hear, it's uses and some of the science behind it.
12th JunMarius StuartTASCHow Clocks Work
Cheltenham Science Festival
A brief look at how clocks work plus heighlights of the recent CSF.
10th JulDr Andrew SmithThe Open UniversityLinuxClick here for PP show download
21st OctMarius StuartTASCAmerica in space, a personal voyage of discoveryClick here for PP show download
23rd OctGordon RogersCrendon ObservatoryWinston Churchill's Toy ShopClick here for related information
13th NovSimon BraithwaiteTASCFlying from London to PhoenixTypical 747 flight sequence from the pilot's eye view.

Year 2015

8th JanMarius StuartTASCThe Dark WebClick here for the PP Slide Show download
Notes on The Dark Web
19th MarDarren JeacockBeekeeperBees and BeekeepingClick here for notes on Darren's talk.
16th AprJennifer Stuart &
Mark Beach
TASCAutismPP Show download on Autism
PP Notes on Autism
21st MayHilary AudusTASCThe Botanist's WarHilary gve a talk about her father who used his botanical knowledge to keep POWs in WWII alive.
18th JunDemetri PetrouTASCEinstein's Theory of General RelativityDemetri takes us through the Looking glass.
16th JulProf. Andrew NortonThe Open UniversityExoplanets and how to find themClick here for talk summary
17th SepDr Ihsan LamiBuckingham UniversityBlame it on Hertz, Tesla & FrankensteinTalk and discussion on mobile phone technology.
15th OctProf. Nigel MasonThe Open UniversityAstrochemistry, the cradle of lifeProf. Mason explores possible ways that life came to exist.
Click here for talk write up.
19th NovPeter BirkettTASCTimeA personal view on "what is Time"
Notes for a pub discussion following the talk

Year 2016

21st JanProf. John ClaphamBuckingham UniversityGunpowder, waistlines & Richard III: the adventures of mitochondriaClick here for talk write up
Click here for PP show download
18th FebDr Duncan PullarDairyCoThe Future CowSummary
Presentation slides PDF
17th MarMr Ian WallerRetired GenealogistVictorian MedicineSummary
21st AprMilton Keynes MuseumVictorian Optical IllusionsSummary
16th JunDr Stephen LewisThe Open UniversityLanding a spacecraft on Mars (or on Venus), Earth's unlucky twinSummary
Post talk write up
21st JulDr Matthew BalmeThe Open UniversityWater on MarsSummary

15th Sep
The Open UniversityRadiating Health: an alpha, Beta and Gamma of radionuclide imaging

20th OctProf. Andrew NortonThe Open UniversityThe New CosmologySummary

17th NovDr Hisham Al-AssamBuckingham UniversityComputers in MedicineSummary

Year 2017

19th JanMarius StuartTASCThe SingularitySummary
PP Slides
PP presentation notes

16th FebDr Harin SellahewaBuckingham UniversityTouch Gesture Based Authentication on Smart Devices: how secure is Pattern UnlockSummary

16th MarDr Andrew SmithThe Open UniversityHistory of the InternetSummary

20th AprAdam WattsMoog UK Westcott LtdBritish Rockets for SatellitesSummary

15th JunMarius StuartTASCRise of the RobotsSummary
PP Slides

20th JulTony BatesTASCJohn Harrison: Clock Maker ExtraordinaireSummary

21st SepJohn FoggittTASCNumber, Shapes, Colours & SoundsSummary
PP Slides

19th OctProf. William MurrayWarwick Uni & LHCThe Discovery of the Higgs BosonSummary

16th NovProf. Andrew NortonThe Open UniversityGia Mapping the GalaxySummary

Year 2018

18th JanNasiru IbrahimBuckingham UniversityBiometric Authentication - an updateSummary

15th FebMarius StuartTASCThe Gene GenieSummary
PP Slides

15th MarDr Simon WaddingtonInstitute for Women's Health at University College LondonGene TherapySummary

19th AprMr Phil NealSIMS CapitaA Successful IT Start-upSummary

20th SepMr Alan DaglishRetired Metallurgical Engineer & Science TeacherCryptography Past, Present & FuturePressentation Slides

18th OctProf. Andrew NortonThe Open UniversityVariable Star Research with SuperWASPSummary

15th NovClare & Mark BeachTASCLiving with MisophoniaSummary

Year 2019

17th JanDr Felix FlickerAstor Junior Research Fellow of Physics, New College, OxfordParadoxes, Jokes, riddles, Zen Buddhist Koans, & some ideas in modern physicsSummary
Link to

28th Feb
Marius StuartTASCEngineer Through the Looking GlassSummary

21st Mar
Mr Pierre GirardMilton Keynes Astronomical SocietyFrench AstronomySummary

18th Apr
Tony BatesTASCIKB, Britain's Greatest EngineerSummary

19th SepJohn FoggittTASC8 Bit EcstasySummary

17th OctDr Harin SellahewaBuckingham UniversityAI & the 4th Industrial RevolutionSummary

21st NovBeth & Mark BakerTASCUsing VR in Medical ResearchSummary

Year 2020

16th JanMarius StuartTASCAI vs The Human BrainSummary

20th FebDemetri PetrouTASCThe Big LieSummary

Unfortunately due to the Covid19 pandemic we have had to suspend all talks for the time being

Year 2022

22nd SepPhil EaleyTASC3D Printers and PrintingSummary

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