Past History
The Adstock Science Club began life in October 2010, and as I mentioned in the Home Page text I had a couple of good reasons for starting the club, but I didn't mention that it was my sister who gave me the initial idea. You see I love Science but at home I have no one who is remotely interested, they're all arty and literary types. Quite often I have lots of ideas and questions about all sorts of scientific stuff but no one around to bounce them off, hence the club, and it seems to be working.
From an original group of about 4 people we now have going on for around 20. OK, I know that's not a lot but I only have so much room to hold our meetings and talks in. I run it from my home and 20 is about the limit. Maybe one day I'll have to get a bigger house.
Saying that room is limited doesn't of course mean that all you guys out there cannot share in what we do. I have tried to include as much information on our talks, where possible with PowerPoint presentation, video clips, PDF files etc. There's a lot more here than I initially realised, so please feel free to browse all the pages and I hope you find something that interests you.
And of course you are more than welcome to email me with any useful comments and suggestions!
If you live anywhere near Adstock, Buckingham, in the UK then why not give me a call to find out more.
Keep asking those questions!
Marius Stuart