I hope from time to time to include reviews of events, books, films, radio and TV programs, documentries or for that matter anything else scientifically or technologically relevant and interesting to our Science Club. If any members or non-members would like to submit an article for inclusion please feel free to email me with your copy and I will try where possible to present it here.
Our first review is from one of our members, Mr Robert Deuchar of the book "Reality is not what it seems: the journey to quantum gravity", by Carlo Rovelli. Published in October 2016 in English by Allen Lane. ISBN: 978-0-241-25796-8.
Rovelli is among the hundreds of researchers into quantum gravity, a hypothesis which combines relativity and quantum mechanics and suggests that there is a granular structure at the smallest "Planck" scale. I will not summarise his conclusions here but gravity is of fundamental importance to our perceptions of space and time if quantum gravity is correct. The book is "technical" in places but the reader can skip those bits and also much of the first part of the book, on Greek philosophers and the history of electrodynamics and mechanics, and read what Rovelli thinks our universe is made of at the most basic level. He disapproves of string theory and I'm happy with that! The hypothesis is incomplete and lacks observational evidence. However it seems to me to be our best guess so far. Bravo, Carlo.
Marks out of ten: 9.5.
Should I read it? If interested in physics, yes, definitely.
Robert also gives us a brief outline of what Carlo Rovelli said to interviewer Adam Rutherford on BBC Radio 4's "Inside Science" programme on 13 October 2016.
AR: Carlo Rovelli is a theoretical physicist who wrote "7 Brief lessons in Physics", his latest book just published in English is "Reality is not what it seems". General relativity (GR) says that space is smooth, continuous, while quantum mechanics (QM) says that it is grainy, chunky, like "atoms of space".