Hi and Welcome to The Adstock Science Club (TASC)!
Situated in rural Buckinghamshire, we’ve been around for over five years. Our main aim is to bring together local people who have an interest in all things Science and Technology and are eager to find out more.
We also aim to provide our members, through talks, demonstrations, visits and hands on activity, with the knowledge and ability to understand and question the decisions made on our behalf by influential companies, corporations and governments.
Lastly, science should be fun. We need more young people to be interested in science and take the lead in guiding us to a better, cleaner and safer future. This will only happen through education and an increasing emphasis on science and technology in our schools, colleges and universities. Hopefully in our own small way we are contributing to this process.
If you live nearby and would like to learn more please call or email us. We are also always looking out for scientists, engineers and technologists etc. who have the time and would like to take part in providing interesting and educational talks to our members and the general public to get in touch with us.